Saturday, January 24, 2015

RIP Dad Paul M. Ryan Jr. 1927-2003

Things that I do that remind me of Dad:  re-arrange the dishes in the dishwasher.  This used to make me nuts when I saw Dad endlessly rearranging and now I find myself doing the same with probably nearly the same level of irritation.

Get upset when I can't find the screwdriver.  I made my own set of tools and placed them near where I would be able to get to them when I needed them.  It was so convenient that now this set has been taken over and the screwdriver occasionally goes missing. 

Misspelled signs.  Don't need to say more there. Hard to believe he's been gone 12 years today, but I believe he wanted to be with Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Things I continue to do that made Dad mad: Roll my eyes. Boy, did he hate it when I rolled my eyes at ANYTHING! Even if he was in total agreement with the sentiment, he hated it when I rolled my eyes, and yet I still do it and I do it with glee!

    Leave the lights on. Dad was energy conscious, and helped pay the bills for a family of eight, so he was a stickler for shutting off the lights if you leave a room. I am horrible at shutting off the lights when I leave a room! I like light. I'll admit it. I want a room lit when I'm in it, and if I'm going back and forth between rooms. I know I am a strange breed, but I pay my own bills, so Let there be Light!

    I guess one of the things I do that Dad always did is I expect things that make sense to me, should be obvious to everyone. I get frustrated when someone doesn't see that. I get angry and judgemental when things that seem so simple to me, are not so simple to others and I fly off the handle, like he used to. When I do it, I know I am following in his footsteps, and you know, that's not such a bad thing.

    Miss you, Dad.
